

Memory based CG CHO EXAM QUESTION ANSWER 2019-2020:

exam date - 22.12.2019
cg health raipur c.g.

1. Diarrhoea caused by -  Contaminated water
2. Body temperature regulated by - Hypothalamus
3. Hypotension Identenfied in new patient a systolic pressur - 130- 140
4. HPV. virus caused to  - Cervrcal cancer
5. Dehydration symptoms axcept - Duresis , Sunker eyes
6. which one is caused by bacteria -Typhoid,
7. Type -I D.M. test - Fasting Glucose
8. Heat sensitive vaccine - OPV..
9. ORS except - Nacl ,( caCo3), trisodium citrate
10. Bovine Tuberculosis spread by:- Air, Water, Food.
11. Dysphasea position provide - Fowller's position.
12. Permanent' contraceptive method - (Sterilization)-tubectomy
13. Atachment of Muscles to Bones  -Tendons.
14. Scurvy caused by deficiency of -  vitamin C
15. Stethoscope examination called - Ascultation.
16. Tuberculine test called - Mantoux test ... :
17. Accumulation fluid in Abdominal cavity - Ascites
18. Thyroid inflammation - Thyroiditis.
19. Hospital. Enfection called is - Nasocromial infection.
20. Body response after disease immunity - Natural immune
21. MTP done up to  -  20 weeks
22. Oxytocin ampule discard in - Blue bin
23. Pelvic organ called as obdominal owaan in how many
weeks - 12 weeks
24. HIV transmission in child - Mother
25. Malaria cousative agent - Plasmodium
26. which cancer cause by virus' - Cervical cancer
27. Maximum amount of gass present in Atmosphere-
Nitrogen (78%)
28. care of mother during of  pregnancy - Antenatal care.
29. National vector Borne disease Controll  programme for - Parasite, Malarial
30. Anemia severe - 7>gm/dL
31. Anti bodies produced by - WBC (T-lymphocytes)
32. Injection given to skin-ID (intrademai)
33. 3 year 6 month old child come for immunization given- DPT.OPV booster,MMR, TT
34. 5 month Old Dehydrated given IV fluid rational -
Cordiac Overload (output restriction)
35. Normal Birth weight of Baby in India - 2.5 -2.9kg.
36 Preventable vitamin- vita. C
37.  to more coused vomiting during pregnancy - HCG
38. Tetanus dose given first after pregnancy - 2 months..
39 Bloody discharge called  - 'show.
40 Diastolic blood pressur - BP 110mmhg
41. Second pelvic grip - Engagement. (fetal position.)
42 Mother need to assess for when admission -.............
43. Irregular soft mass Find out show - Hand, feet elbow,
'knees lateralgolf)
44. PHC - Blindness proaamme tells to other - stradtegy
45. Water  transmitted diseases - Typhoid.
46. Immunization ? which type prevention - Primary prevention.
47. Sharp instrument all except - Body part & Body fluids
48 Immunity occures after disease - Active Immunity.
49. Anti Material Drug for Plasmodium Vivex - Chloroquin & primaquien
50- 9 month child (mother ask for additional food ) - follow to get
after Meal.
51. BCG given at - Left upper Arm (ID)
52. MMR full form? - Measals,Mumps, Rubelia.
53. Low Birth weight under  - 2.5 kg
54. Normal respiration in New Born  baby- 30-60 breaths /min
55. APGAR score total marks of  - Total score 10.
56. Central Cynosis  - Bluish discoloration of uper tongue.
57. BCG given by which method - given intradermal."ID"
58. OPV vaccine type of  - Live - Ateneued vaccine.
59. De-Worming done in adolescent- Annual(single dose)

60- EDD - 22nd july 2008 Ans. add 9 month and 7 days
61. TT Dose given to -  0.5 ml
62  citrus fruit - which vitamine Source -  vitomine C
63. Severe Anemia - 7 >gm/dl
64  Micronutrients are - vitamins
65. Pelvic Tuberculosis caused - uterus, F.T.
66. IUCD side effect . - Irregular. Bleeding..
67. Tubercular  bacilli transmission by  - Droplet infection Cough
68.  Japnese Encephalitis caused by - Animale & insect bites.
69. Dehydration Sign - Dry Moulth.
70 Typhoid Causcitive. agent - Salmonella tayphi
71. Multi - Bacillby Leprosy  treatment - 12 month.
72. TB. Visit first folloup : 2 months to go medicine
73. Gestational DM during  - Pregnancy
74 Cancer spreads in -  Lymph & Blood Stream
75 Cervical cancer detection community - Blood Smear, VIA ✔,Sputum smear ,urine smear
76 Bones vitamine  - Vitamin-D essential
77  Blood Cloting vitamins - Vitamin K
78- HIV transmission - Infected Body fluids (Blood, Milk,
79. Post-partum Sterlization.-- 12hrs to  7days.
80. NSV (sémen analysis) visit - Two months.
81. . .. 'HAF' fluid given except.-
82. Arthritis is  common type -  Rheumatoid aithritis (RA)/ OA✔
83: Heart disease, detect by  - ECG .
84. World NO TABACCO' DAY  - 31st  May
88. Hepatitis B transmitted by - Infected Body fluid
86. Thyroid  enlargement defeciency of - Iodine
87. Man , Animal Birds present on Natural - Environmental Host and agent
88. Widel test Diagnosis of  - Typhoid agent
89. Biodegradable. - Polythen
90. Which are not caused by virus - Typhoid.
91. PHC covered population  - 20,000 - 30,000
92. Sub center  population is - 3,000-5,000
93. how to listen Diastolic BP sound - Disappear.
94.Red spot on Skin Symptom seen in - Chickpox.
95. 2nd stage of labor contraction assessment -.....
96. Meningitis disease of  - Brain & spinal cord.
97. Severe abdominal tenderness - Dementia -....
98- IUCD contra indication in - Nullipara.
99. Macronutrints - cal. mag. phosphoras,
100. HbA1C test for - Blood sugar.

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I am Shailesh kumar
from - Chhattisgarh(@mbikapur)



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