Medical Lab Technologist Chapter 7 Immunology And Diagnostic Serology
Q1 study of the disease caused by disorder of the immune system is called?
प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के विकार के कारण होने वाले रोग के अध्ययन को कहा जाता है?
A- Immunodeficiency
B- Autoimmunity
C-Both A&B
D- Immunology
Ans- D
Q2- how many main categories disease caused by disorder of human immune systems fall
मानव प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के विकारों के कारण होने वाले रोग कितने मुख्य श्रेणियों में आते हैं?
A- A- Immunodeficiency
B- Autoimmunity
C-Both A&B
D- Immunology
Ans- C
Q3= how many classes of human immunoglobulin
मानव इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन के कितने वर्ग हैं
A- 4
B- 5
C- 6
D- 8
Ans- B
Q4= which immunoglobulin cross the placenta and going in to the fetus
कौन सा इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन प्लेसेंटा को पार करता है और भ्रूण में जाता है
A- IgA
B- IgD
C- IgM
D- IgG
Ans- D
Q5= monoclonal antibodies are derived from
मोनोक्लोनल एंटीबॉडीज से प्राप्त होते हैं
A- Hybridoma cell lines
B- antibioma cell lines
C- both
D- None
Ans- A
Q6= coombs control reagent is anti-D' IgG synthesized washed and made up to a-
Coombs नियंत्रण अभिकर्मक विरोधी-D IgG संश्लेषित धोया जाता है और बना होता है?
A- 20% Suspension
B- 05% Suspension
C- 50% Suspension
D- 15% Suspention
Ans- B
Q7= polyclonal anti-human IgG is usually prepared in?
पॉलीक्लोनल एंटी ह्यूमन आईजीजी आमतौर पर तैयार किया जाता है?
A- Sheep
B- Goat
C- Rabbits
D- All of These
Ans- D
Q8= Cell-mediated immunity is primarily mediated by
A. B cells
B. T helper cells
C. Plasma cells
D. Dendritic cells
Ans- B
Q9= The HLA complex is located primarily on
एचएलए कॉम्प्लेक्स मुख्य रूप से स्थित है
A. Chromosomes
B. Chromosome 6
C. Chromosome 9
D. Chromosome 17
Ans- B
Q10= HLA antigens are found on
HLA एंटीजन पाए जाते हैं
A. All nucleated cells
B. Red blood cells only
C. Solid tissue only
D. White blood cells only
Ans- A
Q11= An important part of the nonspecific immune response is(are)
गैर-विशिष्ट प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रिया का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है (हैं)
A. B cells
B. Basophils
C. Complement cascade
D. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Ans- C
Q12= The major class of immunoglobulin found in adult human serum is
वयस्क मानव सीरम में पाया जाने वाला इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन का प्रमुख वर्ग है
A. IgA
B. IgE
C. IgG
D. IgM
Ans- C
Q13= Which class of immunoglobulin possesses delta heavy chains?
इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन के किस वर्ग में डेल्टा भारी श्रृंखला होती है?
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgE
D. IgG
Q14= Which class of immunoglobulin possesses 10 antigenic binding sites?
इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन के किस वर्ग में 10 एंटीजेनिक बाइंडिंग साइट हैं
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgG
D. IgM
Q15=. Which class of immunoglobulin binds to basophils and mast cells to mediate immediate hypersensitivity reactions?
इम्युनोग्लोबुलिन का कौन सा वर्ग तत्काल अतिसंवेदनशीलता प्रतिक्रियाओं के लिए बेसोफिल और मस्तूल कोशिकाओं को बांधता है?
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgE
D. IgG
Q16= Type I hypersensitivity is
A. Associated with complement mediated cell lysis
B. Due to immune complex deposition
C. Mediated by activated macrophages
D. An immediate allergic reaction
Q17=The serologically detectable antibody produced in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is primarily of the class
रुमेटीइड गठिया (आरए) में उत्पादित सीरोलॉजिकल रूप से पता लगाने योग्य एंटीबॉडी मुख्य रूप से वर्ग.............का है
A. IgA
B. IgE
C. IgG
D. IgM
Q18=The type of immunity that follows the injection of an immunogen is termed
एक इम्युनोजेन के इंजेक्शन के बाद प्रतिरक्षा के प्रकार को कहा जाता है
A. Artificial active
B. Natural active
C. Artificial passive
D. Innate
Q19=The Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test for syphilis is classified as a(n)
उपदंश के लिए यौन रोग अनुसंधान प्रयोगशाला (वीडीआरएल) परीक्षण को एक के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है
A. Agglutination reaction
B. Flocculation reaction
C. Hemagglutination reaction
D. Precipitation reaction
Q20=One cause of a false-positive VDRL test is
झूठी सकारात्मक वीडीआरएल परीक्षण का एक कारण है
A. Brucellosis
B. Treponema pallidum infection
C. Rocky Mountain spotted fever
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
Q21= The portion of an antigen that binds to an antibody or T cell receptor is called a(n)
प्रतिजन का वह भाग जो प्रतिरक्षी या टी कोशिका ग्राही से बंधता है, कहलाता है
A. Allergin
B. Avidin
C. Epitope
D. Valence
Q22=Identical antibodies produced from a single clone of plasma cells describes
प्लाज्मा कोशिकाओं के एक क्लोन से उत्पादित समान एंटीबॉडी का वर्णन करता है
A. Reagin
B. Cold agglutinins
C. Heterophile antibodies
D. Monoclonal antibodies
Q23= Elevated IgE levels are typically found in
ऊंचा IgE स्तर आमतौर पर पाए जाते हैं
A. Type I hypersensitivity reactions
B. Type II hypersensitivity reactions
C. Type III hypersensitivity reactions
D. Type IV hypersensitivity reactions
Q24=A human cell with CDS on its surface is most likely ?
एक मानव कोशिका जिसकी सतह पर CDS है, सबसे अधिक संभावना है
A. Bcell
B. Monocyte
C. T helper cell
D. Cytotoxic T cell
Q25=Antibodies that bind to the same epitope are of the same
एंटीबॉडी जो एक ही एपिटोप से बंधती हैं, एक ही होती हैं
A. Allotype
B. Autotype
C. Idiotype
D. Isotype
Q26=Which complement protein is present in the greatest concentration in human serum?
मानव सीरम में सबसे अधिक मात्रा में कौन सा पूरक प्रोटीन मौजूद है?
A. Cl
B. C2
C. C3
D. C4
Q27=Incompatible blood transfusions are examples of
असंगत रक्ताधान इसके उदाहरण हैं
A. Type I hypersensitivity reactions
B. Type II hypersensitivity reactions
C. Type III hypersensitivity reactions
D. Type IV hypersensitivity reactions
Q28= A soluble antigen and soluble antibody reacting to form an insoluble product describes
अघुलनशील उत्पाद बनाने के लिए प्रतिक्रिया करने वाले घुलनशील एंटीजन और घुलनशील एंटीबॉडी का वर्णन करता है
A. Agglutination reactions
B. Heterophile reactions
C. Labeled reactions
D. Precipitation reactions
Q29=Which of the following is an example of a treponemal antigen test used for the diagnosis of syphilis?निम्नलिखित में से कौन सिफलिस के निदान के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले ट्रेपोनेमल एंटीजन परीक्षण का एक उदाहरण है?
Q30=Hashimoto disease is an autoimmune disease primarily involving the
हाशिमोटो रोग एक ऑटोइम्यून बीमारी है जिसमें मुख्य रूप से शामिल हैं
A. Kidneys
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Thyroid gland
Q31= The first serologic marker to appear in patients with acute hepatitis B virus infection is
तीव्र हेपेटाइटिस बी वायरस संक्रमण वाले रोगियों में प्रकट होने वाला पहला सीरोलॉजिकल मार्कर है
A. Anti-HB
B. Anti-HBc
C. Anti-HBe
D. HBsAg
Q32= B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are derived from
बी लिम्फोसाइट्स और टी लिम्फोसाइट्स से प्राप्त होते हैं
A. Hematopoietic stem cells
B. Macrophages or monocytes
C. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
D. The fetal liver
Q33=Contact dermatitis is mediated by
A. B lymphocytes
B. T lymphocytes
C. Macrophages
D. Polymorphonuclear cells
Q34= All of the following are true of antigen EXCEPT which one of the following?
A. They contain epitopes.
B. They will react with antibodies.
C. They contain antigenic determinants.
D. They contain paratopes.
Ans- D
Q35= The class of an immunoglobulin is determined by
A. the variable region
B. the J-chain
C. the heavy chain
D. the carbohydrate
Ans= C
Q36= Light chains are
A. specific for each class of antibody
B. not specific for each class of antibody
C. reactive with antigen
D. have only a constant region
Ans- B
Q37=Antibodies have.
A. are carbohydrates
B. are made from alpha and beta chains
C. contain no carbohydrate
D. contain heavy and light chains
Ans= D
Q38= The major histocompatibility complex proteins function to
A. degrade T4 and T8 polypeptides
B. bind antibody for lymphokine production
C. bind complement for cell lysis
D. bind antigen fragments for presentation to T-cells
And= D
Q39= Immunoglobulins are produced by
A. Plasma cells
B. T-cells
C. B-cells
D. Macrophages
Ans- ABC
Q40= Which of the following is the major function of the lymphoid system?
A) innate immunity
B) inflammation
C) phagocytosis
D) acquired immunity
ANS= D )acquired immunity
Q41= Which of the following is correct?
A) NK cells proliferate in response to antigen.
B) NK cells kill their target cells by phagocytosis and intracellular digestion.
C) NK cells are a subset of polymorphonuclear cells.
D) NK-cell killing is extracellular.
Ans= D ) NK-cell killing is extracellular.
Q42= Which of the following apply uniquely to secondary lymphoid organs?
A) presence of precursor B and T cells
B) circulation of lymphocytes
C) terminal differentiation
D) cellular proliferation
Ans=C) terminal differentiation
Q43= Converting a toxin to a toxoid :
A) makes the toxin more immunogenic.
B) reduces the pharmacologic activity of the toxin.
C) enhances binding with antitoxin.
D) induces only innate immunity.
Ans= B) reduces the pharmacologic activity of the toxin.
Q44= The first immunoglobulin synthesized by the fetus is:
A) IgA.
B) IgE.
C) IgG.
D) IgM.
E) None; the fetus does not synthesize immunoglobulins.
Ans= D) IgM.
Q45= Active fragments of C5 can lead to the following, except
A) contraction of smooth muscle.
B) vasodilation.
C) attraction of leukocytes.
D) attachment of lymphocytes to macrophages.
Ans- D) attachment of lymphocytes to macrophages.
Q46= Immune disorders include
a) hypersensitivity
b) auto-immune diseases
c) immunodeficiency
d) all of these
Ans-. d) all of these
Q47=The inappropriate response of immune system towards a relatively harmless antigen causing harm to the host is referred as
a) hypersensitivity
b) auto-immune diseases
c) immunodeficiency
d) tolerance
Ans= a) hypersensitivity
Q48= Which of the following Ig is involved in mediating allergic reactions
a) IgG
b) IgM
c) IgE
d) IgA
Ans= c) IgE
a) interleukines
b) lymphokines
c) hiatamines
d) interferons
Ans= c) hiatamines
Q50= Which of the following types of hypersensitive reactions is antibody mediated
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) all of these
Ans= d) all of these
Q51= Which one of the following is a cell mediated hypersensitive reaction
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IV
Ans= d) Type IV
Q52= The inability to distinguish between self-cells and non-self-cells may lead to
a) hypersensitivity
b) auto-immune diseases
c) immunodeficiency
d) tolerance
Ans= b) auto-immune diseases
Q53=. Majority of auto immune diseases are
a) cell mediated
b) antibody mediated
c) macrophage mediated
d)mast cells mediated
Ans= b) antibody mediated
Q54= All of the following are autoimmune disorders except
a) Graves disease
c) Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Addison’s disease
Ans= b) SCID
Q55=Rheumatoid arthritis mostly occur in individuals carrying
a) HLA-DR4 gene (HLA-human leucocyte antigen)
b) HLA-DR1 gene
c) HLA-DR3 gene
d)all of the above
Ans=a) HLA-DR4 gene (HLA-human leucocyte antigen)
Q56= Some defects or mutations in components of innate or adaptive immunity may lead to
a) hypersensitivity
b) auto-immune diseases
c) immunodeficiency
d) tolerance
Ans= c) immunodeficiency
Q57=. In severe combined immune deficiency (SCID), the patients are deficient in
a) B cells
b) T cells
c) both a and b
d) IgA
Ans= c) both a and b
Q58= SCID can occur due to the absence of an enzyme
a) adenosine deaminase
b) guanosine deaminase
c) phosphorylase
d) thymidine deaminase
Ans= a) adenosine deaminase
Q59= HIV attacks
a) T helper cells
b) T cytotoxic cells
c) B cells
d) macrophages
Ans= a) T helper cells
Q60= All of the following are immunodeficiency diseases except
a) Graves disease
c) DiGeorge’s syndrome
d) Hyper IgM syndrome
Answers= a) Graves disease