


National Health Mission -lab technician, sts/stls की परीक्षा सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित किया जाता है इसके लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों का संग्रह जो बार-बार परीक्षा में आता है उसका  पीडीएफ आपको नीचे दिए गए लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं

Question1:-Pulmonary veins open into

 A:-Left atrium

 B:-Right atrium

 C:-Left ventricle

 D:-Right ventricle


 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question2:-Epithelium lining the alveoli of lung is

 A:-Simple cuboidal

 B:-Simple columnar

 C:-Ciliated columnar

 D:-Simple squamous



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question3:-Trachea bifurcates at the level of

 A:-First costal cartilage

 B:-Second costal cartilage

 C:-Third costal cartilage

 D:-Fourth costal cartilage



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question4:-Liver derives its nutrition from

 A:-Portal vein only

 B:-Hepatic artery only

 C:-Both portal vein and hepatic artery

 D:-None of the above




 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question5:-Motor nerve supply to diaphragm is provided by

 A:-Vagus nerve

 B:-Intercostal nerves

 C:-Splanchnic nerves

 D:-Phrenic nerve



Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question6:-Left subclavian artery is a branch of

 A:-Ascending aorta

 B:-Arch of aorta

 C:-Common carotid artery

 D:-Brachiocephalic trunk



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question7:-The thin membrane which closely invests the brain surface is


 B:-Arachnoid mater





Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question8:-Respiratory centre is located in

 A:-Medulla oblongata






 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question9:-Total number of lumbar vertebrae in human body is







Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question10:-Continuation Phase in anti TB chemotherapy is meant for

 A:-Rapid killing of bacilli

 B:-Preventing emergence of resistant strains

 C:-Preventing rapid community spread

 D:-Preventing relapse and failure



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question11:-Mycobacteria classified in to different populations according to their growth pattern was done by

 A:-Wallace Fox

 B:-D A Mitchison

 C:-Robert Koch




 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question12:-Estimated daily deaths due to Tuberculosis is







Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question13:-To make a diagnosis of multidrug resistant tuberculosis, the mycobacteria should be resistant at least to

 A:-INH and Ethambutol

 B:-INH and Rifampicin

 C:-INH and Pyrazinamide

 D:-Streptomycin and Rifampicin



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question14:-Single sample sputum culture is recommended for

 A:-Follow up monitoring of MDR/XDR TB patients under DOTS Plus regime

 B:-Making a diagnosis of MDR TB

 C:-Making a diagnosis of Total drug resistance

 D:-All of the above



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question15:-As per current policy, true statement regarding notification of TB is

 A:-All cases should be notified to District Nodal officer

 B:-Only smear positive cases need be reported

 C:-Only cases diagnosed from public health sector need be notified

 D:-Only MDR and XDR TB need be notified



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question19:-NIKSHAY, a project of RNTCP deals with

 A:-TB & HIV co infection management strategies

 B:-Financial help for all TB patients

 C:-Electronic notification of cases

 D:-Integrated counseling and treatment of all TB patients



Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question17:-The fastest method for diagnosing MDR TB among the following is

 A:-Gene Xpert

 B:-Quantiferon Gold assay

 C:-T spot assay

 D:-Liquid culture method



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question18:-The minimum treatment duration for MDR TB as per the PMDT (programmatic management of Drug resistant tuberculosis)

 A:-12 months

 B:-18 months

 C:-24 months

 D:-30 months



Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question19:-Robert Koch discovered mycobacteria in the year







Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question20:-Which among the following is an Acid Fast staining technique?

A:-Ziehl-Neelsen Technique

 B:-Kinyoun method

 C:-Auramine- Rhodamine Flurochrome staining

 D:-All of the above



Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question21:-The acid component of TB bacilli is

 A:-Hydrochloric acid

 B:-Lactic acid

 C:-Sulphuric acid

 D:-Mycolic acid



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question22:-The number of sputum samples collected for the diagnosis of Pulmonary tuberculosis as per the current RNTCP guideline is

 A:-3 samples ( spot-morning-spot)

 B:-2 samples (morning-spot)

 C:-2 samples (morning -morning)

 D:-2 samples ( spot-morning)



Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question23:-The theme for the World TB day for the year 2015 is

 A:-DOTS cured me -it will cure you too!

 B:-Stop TB in my life time

 C:-I am stopping TB

 D:-Reach , treat, cure everyone



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question24:-The anti TB medication associated with orange coloured urine is







 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question25:-Pott's disease is the tuberculosis affecting

 A:-Lymph nodes






Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question26:-Length and width of the rod shaped mycobacterium causing tuberculosis in human beings is

 A:-2-4 microns in length,0.2-0.5 microns in width

 B:-20-40 microns in length and 2-5 microns in width

 C:-10- 20 nanometer in length, 1-2 nanometer in width

 D:-20 -40 nanometer in length, 2-4 nanometer in width



Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question27:-Which of the following anti TB medication is available as granules


 B:-Para amino salicylic acid





 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question28:-The standard duration of short course chemotherapy is

 A:-3 months

 B:-6 months

 C:-9 months

 D:-less than 12 months



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question29:-All the following instructions are given to a smear positive TB patient on DOTS except

 A:-Take nutritious food

 B:-Observe good cough habits

 C:-Remain in an isolated closed room till intensive phase is over

 D:-Do not panic if you see that you are passing high colored urine after taking medication



Correct Answer:- Option-C


Question30:-Caecum and vermiform appendix are located in

 A:-Right hypochondrium

 B:-Umbilical region

 C:-Right iliac fossa

 D:-Left lumbar region



Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question31:-Luteotrophic hormone is also called







 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question32:-Which is the first hormone discovered







Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question33:-Which of the following hormone is secreted by Neurohypophysis







Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question34:-Outermost layer of meninges is called

 A:-Arachnoid matter

 B:-Dura matter


 D:-Pia matter



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question35:-Rods and Cones are present in

 A:-Blind spot






 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question36:-Organ of Corti is made up of

 A:-Basilar membrane

B:-Reissner's membrane

 C:-Sensory hair cells

 D:-Tectorial membrane



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question37:-Opsin and Retinal are the split product of

 A:-Vit A






 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question38:-Functional unit of Kidney







Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question39:-Respiratory centre is located in



 C:-Cerebral cortex

 D:-Spinal cord



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question40:-Night blindness is due to

 A:-Vit. A

 B:-Vit. B

 C:-Vit. C

 D:-Vit. D



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question41:-Which among the following is a group health education method?

 A:-Panel discussion

 B:-Home visit

 C:-Folk method

 D:-Printed materials



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question42:-The rate of energy supply of fat is

 A:-9 k cal/gm

 B:-4 k cal/gm

 C:-9 cal/gm

 D:-4 cal/gm



Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question43:-Listening to the sounds within the body with the help of a stethoscope is







 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question44:-Freedom from infection is termed as







 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question45:-The most reliable and cost effective method of identifying infectious case of TB is

 A:-Mantoux test

 B:-Sputum examination

 C:-Chest X-ray




 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question46:-A physiological barrier of communication is


 B:-Hearing difficulty





Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question47:-Which among the following is not a fat soluble vitamin?

 A:-Vitamin A

 B:-Vitamin C

 C:-Vitamin D

 D:-Vitamin E



 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question48:-One of the most important communication skill is

 A:-Inactive listening

 B:-Empathetic listening

 C:-Active listening

 D:-Specific listening



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question49:-Pulse rate less than 60 bpm is called







 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question50:-The most important procedure for the prevention of infection is

 A:-Wearing gloves and gowns

 B:-Proper disposal of used linen

 C:-Effective hand washing

 D:-Wearing protective eye wear



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question51:-The most appropriate position for a patient with breathing difficulty is

 A:-Knee chest position

 B:-Sim's position

 C:-Prone position

 D:-Fowler's position



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question52:-The basic unit of society is



 C:-Self help group




 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question53:-Immunity against Tuberculosis is provided by the vaccine







Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question54:-Which among the following is not a therapeutic effect of hot application?

 A:-Controls bleeding

 B:-Relieves pain

 C:-Promotes healing

D:-Decreases muscle tone



Answer:- Option-A

Question55:-RNTCP was introduced in the year







Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question56:-Vitamin that promotes the absorption of calcium is

 A:-Vitamin A

 B:-Vitamin C

 C:-Vitamin D

 D:-Vitamin E



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question57:-Which among the following is a food borne disease?

 A:-Hepatitis A

 B:-Hepatitis B





 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question58:-Presence of blood in the sputum is called







 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question59:-Which of the following is the best method for the disposing hospital wastes?


 B:-Controlled tipping





 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question60:-The drug used for the treatment of TB is







 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question61:-What type of diet should a TB patient have?

 A:-Carbohydrate rich food

 B:-Fat rich food

 C:-Protein rich food

 D:-High fiber diet



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question62:-The specific strategy for the treatment of MDR TB is







Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question63:-Which among the following should be avoided for a good communication?

 A:-Use of same language by the sender and receiver

 B:-Use of technical words and abbreviations that are not in use

 C:-Paying attention to nonverbal messages

 D:-Getting and giving feedback



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Q64:-Severe deficiency of thiamin causes







 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question65:-Normal blood pressure for an adult is

 A:-100/80 mm of Hg

 B:-140/90 mm of Hg

 C:-120/80 mm of Hg

 D:-130/90 mm of Hg



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question66:-Inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth is called







 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question67:-Invasion of micro organisms to a susceptible host is







 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question68:-World TB day is observed on

 A:-March 14

 B:-November 24

 C:-November 14

 D:-March 24


Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question69:-In case of animal bite affected area should be washed with



 C:-Warm water

 D:-Soap and water



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question70:-World health day theme for 2015 is

 A:-Road safety

 B:-Food safety

 C:-Vector borne diseases

 D:-Focus on high blood pressure



 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question71:-As per the RNTCP(Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme),nationwide coverage of DOTS was achieved in the year







 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question72:-Along with political and administrative commitment,all are components of DOTS except

 A:-Good quality diagnosis

 B:-Directly observed treatment

 C:-Good quality drugs

 D:-Random monitoring and reporting



Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question73:-Stop TB strategy published by WHO in 2006 recommends

 A:-Core programmed as DOTS

 B:-TB/HIV & MDR TB management as additional components

 C:-Enabling and promoting research

 D:-All of the above



 Correct Answer:- Option-D

Q 74:-If 10-99 AFB are seen per 100 oil immersion fields, then the smear result is







 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question75:-Under RNTCP,the term "DMC" means

 A:-Drug managing center

 B:-Designated microscopy Centre

 C:-Direct medication center

 D:-DOTS medicine Centre



 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question76:-Which among the following categories were withdrawn from the RNTCP







 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question77:-Intensive phase recommended for Category II on a routine basis is

 A:-2 months

 B:-3 months

 C:-4 months




 Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question78:-Before starting anti TB medications for a suspected smear negative TB patient,the number of sputum smear examinations recommended by the RNTCP is

 A:-2 smears as in positive cases

 B:-3 smears as it was done earlier

 C:-2 smears, followed by antibiotics and then 2 more smears

 D:-Only Chest X-ray PA is required, sputum examinations not necessary



 Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question79:-All are true regarding DOT provider except

 A:-Preferably a close relative or family member

 B:-Should be acceptable to the patient

 C:-Should be easily accessible

 D:-Should be accountable to the programme



 Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question80:-Joint pain and high blood levels of uric acid are the features of toxicity related to the following anti TB drug





 Correct Answer:- Option-A



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