1👉The part of mind that distinguish right from wrong
and acts as censor of behaviour is called
(a) Ego
(b) Id
(c) Libido
(d) Superego
2👉A patient keeps repeating the last few words of
what he hears, the condition is known as
(a) Neologism
(b) Echopraxia
(c) Echolalia
(d) Thought insertion
3.All behaviour can be said to be
(a) A response to stimulus
(b) A conditioned response
(c) An intellectual response
(d) An emotional response
4.La Bella indifference is related to which of the
following neurosis?
(a) Phobic anxiety
(b) Anxiety disorder
(c) Obsessional compulsion disorder
(d) Conversion reaction
5.Gustatory hallucination affects the
(a) Nose
(b) Taste buds
(C) Ears
(d) Skin
6.The therapeutic effective serum lithium concentration
level is monitored
(a) 12 - 24 hrs (b) 24 - 48 hrs.
(c) 3 - 3 days (d) 10 - 14 days
7.Intellectual Quotient (IQ) tells about
(a) Intellectual maturity
(b) Mental age in relation to chronological age
(c) Academic achievement
(d) Mental growth
8.Persecutory delusion is more common in
(a) Schizophrenia
(b) Paranoid schizophrenia
(c) Manic depressive psychosis
(d) Bipolar affective disorder
9.Exclusion of unwanted or unpleasant experiences,
emotions or ideas from conscious awareness is
(a) Denial
(b) Repression
(c) Regression
(d) Projection
10-The primary aim of psychiatric treatment is to
(a) Release the patients of symptoms
(b) Return the patient to his home
(c) Help the patient to make better psychosocial
(d) Prevent the patient from becoming psychotic
11.A promising treatment for some children suffering
from Thalassemia is
(a) Bone marrow transplantation
[10:31 pm, 30/11/2019] TRICKER A2Z: (b) Chemotherapeutic agents
(c) Radiation therapy
(d) Steroidal therapy
12.A major priority of nursing care of a child suspected of having meningitis is to
(a) Check the temperature and give the cold
(b) Isolate the child immediately
(c) Administer the antibiotic as soon as it is ordered
(d) Restrain the child to prevent accidents
13.The child's apical pulse is always checked before
administering digoxin, the drug is not given if the
pulse rate is
(a) Below 90 to 100 beats/minute
(b) Above 90 to 110 beats/minute
(c) Less then 60 beats/minute.
(d) More than 150 beats/minute.
14.During the oedematous phase of nephrotic syndromean important nursing intervention is to
(a) provide meticulous skin care
(b) Encourage fluid intake
(c) Encourage moderate activity
(d) Weight the child every alternate day
15.Initial nursing assessment of an infant suffering with acute diarrhoea and dehydration reveals
(a) Skin turgor (b) Low hematocrit
(c) Bulging fontanelle (d) Weight gain
16.Typhoid fever is a
(a) Bacterial disease (b) Skin disease
(c) Parasitic disease (d) Viral disease
17.The most likely side effect of external radiation to
the neck for cancer of larynx is
(a) Constipation (b) Dyspnea
(c) Sore throat
(d) Diarrhoea
18.One of the following disease has been eradicated
globally as declared by WHO:
(a) Poliomyelitis (b) Human monkeypox
(c) Pox virus
(d) Smallpox
19.When the respiratory rate of a 12 months old child
is 35 breaths/minute, the most appropriate nursing
action is :
(a) Notify the physician
(b) Administer oxygen
(c) Reassess respiratory rate in 15 minutes
(d) Document the findings
20.A child is diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis, a nurse educate the mother to do all except
(a) Wash hands frequently
(b) Clean eyes as prescribed
[10:36 pm, 30/11/2019] TRICKER A2Z: (c) Share towel and wash cloths
(d) Give eye drops as prescribed
21.The difference between systolic pressure and diastolic 32
pressure is
(a) Blood Pressure (b) Pulse Pressure
(c) Apical Pressure (d) Lateral Pressure
22.A nursing intervention in thrombophlebitis would be 33
(a) Maintaining strict bed rest
(6) Turning the patient from side to side
(c) Applying warm packs to the affected leg
(d) Messaging the affected leg
23.The most common accurate way to determine the
need for oxygen in a patient with COPD is by
(a) Observing the skin colour
(b) Noting changes in the vital signs
(c) Asking how the patient feels
(d) Blood gas analysis
24.A patient is scheduled for ileostomy to treat ulcerative 35
colitis. This is done to
(a) Prevent possible preforation from colitis
(b) Decrease liquid feces
(c) Control the order from diarrhoea
(d) Prevent intestinal obstruction
25.Following an injury the nurse should assess for fat
(a) During 1s 24 hrs.
(6) During 1" 48 hrs.
(c) History of chronic respiratory disease
(d) Patient on skeletal traction
26.A patient with acute pancreatitis has NG tube for
low intermittent suction to prevent
(a) Chronic distortion
(b) Gastric reflux
(c) Pancreatic stimulation
(d) Peristalsis
27.Cystitis is the inflammation of
(a) Gall bladder (b) Urinary bladder
(c) Cyst
(d) Liver
28.Hydrophobia is a sign observed in a patient with
(a) Ant bite
(b) Dog bite
(c) Snake bite
(d) Mosquito bite
29.Platelet count decreases in
(a) Malaria
(b) Filaria
(c) Dengue
(d) Typhoid
30. An informed consent is obtained from a preoperative
patient to prevent
(a) Complications (b) Infections
(c) Any fall
(d) Legal implications
31. A patient with cardiovascular disorder had diminished 4
gag reflex, the nurse will
(a) Instill artificial tears
(b) Maintain side lying position
[10:40 pm, 30/11/2019] TRICKER A2Z: (c) Offer small sips of clear fluids
(d) Test cranial nerves III, IV, VI
32 The nurse practitioner's role may be categorized in
all of the following except
(a) Traditional
(b) Extended
(c) Expanded
(d) Evaluative
Which protective items a nurse require to provide
colostomy care to the patient with nosocomial
(a) Gloves and goggles
(b) Gloves and a gown
(c) Gloves, gown and shoes protector
(d) Gloves, gown and goggles
34 Infusion of 1000 ml of normal saline over 12 hours
requires how many drops per minute when the drop
factor is 15 drops/minute?
(a) 15 drops/minute (b) 17 drops/minute
(c) 21 drops/minute (d) 23 drops/minute
35 7.5 mg of morphine sulphate I/M start from an ampule
of 10 mg is to be administered. How many ml of this
drug is to be administered in correct dose?
(a) 0.5 ml
(b) 0.75 ml
(c) 0.85 ml
(d) 1.5 ml
36. Eye padding is applied on unconscious patients to
(a) Dryness of eyes (b) Blinking of eyes
(c) Corneal ulcer (d) Eye movement
37 While pouring the liquid medicine from a bottle into
an ounce glass, the label of the bottle is held
(a) Against the hand (b) Right side
(c) Left side
(d) Any side
38. Insulin is injected into
(a) Intradermal (b) Subcutaneous
(c) Intrathecal (d) Intramuscular
39 Before administering the medicine to a patient, a
nurse checks the prescription
(a) Two times (b) Three times
(c) One time
(d) Four times
40 The tube feeding should be delayed if the amount of
gastric content (residual) exceeds!
(a) 20 ml (b) 25ml (c) 30 ml (d) 50ml
41. Nursing intervention designed to decrease the risk of
infection in a patient with an indwelling catheter
(a) Cleanse area around meatus
(b) Empty catheter drainage bag at least daily
(c) Change catheter tubing and bag every 48 hours.
(d) Maintain fluid intake of 1200 - 1500 ml every
42While lifting a patient, a nurse bends on her
(a) Hips and back (b) Hips and knees
(c) Back and knees (d) Back only
43. To givee Fowler's position to a patient, the head end
[10:44 pm, 30/11/2019] TRICKER A2Z: of the bed is raised to
(a) 35° angle
(b) 15° angle
(c) 60° angle
(d) 45° angle
44.The daily requirement of calcium that an adult must
take is
(a) 40 - 50 mg
(b) 4.0 - 5.0 mg
(c) 400 - 500 mg (d) 4000 - 5000 mg
45.Polio vaccine is prepared from
(a) Live attenuated organism
(b) Killed organisms
(c) Toxoids
(d) Aerobic bacteria
46 Wound dressing is done by using
(a) Septic technique
(b) Medical asepsis
(c) Surgical asepsis
(d) Medical and surgical asepsis
47. The most often cells from blood infected by HIV is
(a) CD (Helper) T.Lymphocyte
(b) B.Lymphocyte
(c) CD (Suppressor) T.Lymphocytes
(d) Polymorph
48 The causative organism of tuberculosis is
(a) Micrococci
(b) Mycobacterium tubercle bacilli
(c) Staptococci bacilli
(d) Meningococci
49 Urine sample for culture is collected from
(a) First urine
(b) Last urine
(c) Midstream urine (d) First and last urine
50. The following factors influence microbial growth
(a) Temperature (b) Moisture
(c) Darkness
(d) Disinfection
51 The vaccine for Meningococcal meningitis provides
immunity that lasts for about
(a) 5 years
(b) 2 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 4 years
52. Immunity means
(a) Antibodies and antigens reaction
(b) Transfer of maternal antibodies across the
(c) Level of resistance of a person to a particular
(d) Acquired immunity by immunization
53. Trichomonal infection is caused by
(a) Protozoa
(b) Fungus
(c) Yeast
(d) Bacteria
54. The full form of abbreviation ICDS is
(a) Indian Child Development scheme
(b) Internal Committee of Development scheme
(c) International Children's Development scheme
(d) Integrated Child Development Service
[10:51 pm, 30/11/2019] TRICKER A2Z: 55.One of the conditions caused by deficiency of Vit. A
(a) Beri Beri
(b) Bitot's spots
(c) Scurvy
(d) Retrolental fibroplasia
56..The first indicator of protein Energy Malnutrition
(PEM) in children is
(a) Over weight for age
(b) Weak and lethargic child
(c) Under weight for age
(d) Child having less intake of food
57.Among the vaccines, Polio is the most sensitive to
heat, requiring storage at -
(a) -zero degree (-0°C)
(b) twenty degree (-20°C)
(c) ten degree (-10ºC)
(d) thirty degree (-30°C)
58. Community Health Nurse explains a new diagnosed
diabetes mellitus patient that the purpose of medication
is to treat
(a) Hypoglycemia (b) Hyperglycemia
(c) Hypocalcemia (d) Hyperbilirubinaemia
59.The most common type of dementia is
(a) Pick's disease (b) Parkinson's disease
(c) Alzheimer's disease (d) Tics disease
60. Tonicity of Ringer Lactate solution is
(a) Isotonic
(b) Normotonic
(c) Hypotonic
(d) Hypertonic
61.Pernicious anaemia is caused by a deficiency of
(a) Thiamine
(b) Iron
(c) Vitamin B12 (d) Folic acid
62. Ability to recall signs and symptoms of a disease by
a student belongs to
(a) Affective domain (b) Cognitive domain
(C) Psychomotor domain (d) Receiving domain
63.Which teaching method would be most appropriate
to teach to a group of women to change their attitude
towards female child?
(a) Role play
(b) Lecture
(c) Discussion
(d) Symposium
64.individual difference in interest, ability and capacity
in a specific field is measured by applying one of the
following test :
(a) Attitude test
(b) Aptitude test
(c) Intelligence quotient test
(d) Mental ability test
65. Which food is naturally rich in vitamin C?
(a) Chicken
(b) Banana
(c) Orange
(d) Milk
66. One gram of fat provides
(a) 4 calories
(b) 6 calories
(c) 8 calories
(d) 9 calories
67 Movements of the baby felt by the mother are known