
wcl staff nurse exam1.12.2019 question paper,

Western Coalfeild staff nurse exam 1.12.19 model Answer

1. Which of the following medication order is immediately and once only adminislered
a) PRN
b) Stat Order
c) Single Order
d) Standing Order

ans. B

2. The technique of administering BCG vaccine is
a) Z track injection
b) Intravenous injection
c) Subeutancous injection
d) Intradermal Scratch injection

ans. d

3. Colour coding for nitrous oxide cylinder is
a) Black
b) Black with white shoulder
c) Blue
d) Girey

ans. c

4. A patient is to receive 2000 ml of IV fluid in 12 hours. The Drop factor is 10 gtt/ml. At how many drops per minute should the low rate be set
a) 22 drops/min
b) 24 drops/min
c)26 drops/min
d) 28 drops/min

ans. d

5. Duriny ABG analysis blood is collected from
c) Capillary
d)Any site

ans. a

6. Sharp instruments should not be sterilized by
a) Autoclaving
b) Boiling
c) Hot air oven
d) Antiscptic solution

ans. b

7. Endoscopic catheters are sterilized by
a) Autoclaving
b) Hot air oven
c) 2% Gluteraldehyde
d) Boiling

ans. c

8. For nasogastric in tubation the length
nasogastne tube should be measured from
a) Nose to sternum
b) Nose to umbilicus
c) Nose to the tragus or the ear plus nose to the umbilicus
d) Nose to the tragus and tragus to the

ans. c

9. Tonicity of Ringer Lactate is
a) Hypertonic
d) None of the above

ans. c

10. Bloud vessel which connects artery and vein
a) Venule
b) Arieriole
c) Capillary
a) Sinus


11.A Mac Burney's poinis located in which of the following quadrant of abdomen
a) LeftUpper
b)Left Lower
c) Right Upper
dy Right Lower


12. Which one of the chronic condition
contraindicates the use ot ice on sprained ankle
a) Gastritis
b) Diabetes
c) Glaucoma
d) Ostcoporosis


13. For intra muscular injection the nurse should insert the needle into the muscle at an angle of
a) 15 degrees
b) 30 degrees
c)45 degrees
d) 90 degrees

ans. d

14. When should rehabilitation start
a) The day before discharge
b) When the patient desires
c)Upon admission
d) 24 hours after discharge

ans. c

15. Which of the following position would be the best aid breathing for a patient with acute pulmonary edema
a) L.ying flat in bed
b) Left side lying posilion
c) High Fowler's pusition
d) Semi Fowler's P'osition


16. The size of Intravenous Cannula for neonate is
b) 20G
c) 22G
d). 24G

ans. d

17. Bleeding from nose is known as
c) Haematemesis
d) Haematruria


18. Which of the following is used to assess the level cosciousness.
a)apgar Score
b) Braden Scale
C)Glasgow Scale
d) Snellen's Chart

Ans. c 

19. Equipment used in examination of Ear is,
a) LaryngOscupe
b) Ophthalmoscope
c) Otoscape
d) PractuScope

ans. c

20. The solution used to disinfect bed-liner of Hiv positive patient
a) Dettol is
b) Lysol
c) Savlon
d) Sodium Hypochlorite

ans. d

21. The confurmatory test for diagnosis
Tuberculosis Chest
a) Sputum Culture
b) Bronchoscopy
C) Tuberculin Test
d) Saline Test

ans. a

22. Which is the preferred site for intra muscular injection in infants
a) Deltoid
b) Rectus temoris
c) Vastus Lateralis
d) Ventro gluleal

ans. c

23. Glycosalated hemoglobin (Hb A1C) Test
means glucose level
a) over 2aays
b)Over 14 days
c) Over 30 days
d) Over 90 days


24. A patient is given Atropne Sulphate as a 
premedicalion betore  surgery and Development Tachycardia and dry mouth
a) This is a drug Allergy
b)Needs is a higher dose of Alropine Sulphate
C) Normal side effect of  Atropine Sulphate
d) Patient is anxious

Ans.c / 

25. All of the following are organs of lymphatic
system EXCEPT
a) Tonsils
b) thymus
c) Spleen
d) None of the above


26 Spinal anesthesia is giyen at at the level of
b) L3-L4
d) Ll-L2


27.A patient Suspected of Having Pheochromocytonia of complaining papitation
swealing and of headache Which assessment is essential
a) Pupillary reaction
b)1 land grip
c) Biood pressure
d) Blood glucose

ans. C

28. In a patient with multiple the small Renal calculi, nurse will instruct the patient
a) to strain all urine
b)To take plenty of fluids ambulate
c)To remain on bed rest
d) Ask for medication to relax


29. A nurse is directed to administer  hypotonic intravenous solution to a patient she should use 
a) 0.45% NaCl
b) 0.9 NaCI
c) 5% Dextrose
d) Dextrose with normal saline


[4:48 pm, 02/12/2019] TRICKER A2Z: 30. Chemical burn of the eyes are treated with
a) Local Anesthetics and Antibacterial drops
b) Hot compresses applied a 15-minute
c) Flushing of lids, conjunctiva and come with
tap or sterile water
d) Cleansing the conjunctiva with small cotton
tip applicator

31. During CPR the correct hand placement over the chest for chest compressions
a) Upper half of the Sternum
b) Upper third of the Sternum
c) Lower Ilalf of the Sternum
d) Lower Third of the Stemum

ans. c
32. Using rule of NINE percentage of the Right lower limb bum is
a) 4.5%
b) 9%
c) 18%
d) 22.5%

33. Which of these is not an investigation for Dysphagia
a) Barium swallow
b) Endoscopy
c) Manometry
d) Colonoscopy


34. Positive diagnosis of ILIV infection is made on the basis of which criteria
a) listory of high-risk sexual behavior
b) Positive ELISA and Wester Blot Test
c) Identification of an associated opportunistic infection
d) Evidence of extreme weight loss and fever

35. A patient is admitted with llachaturia, Oliguria and Hypertension. The most likely diagnosis is
a) Nephritic Syndrome
b) Nephrotic Syndrome
c) Glomerulonephritis
d) UTI


36. The best indication for lluid replacement in a patient with hypovolemic shock is
a) Urine output.
b) Respiratory rule
c) Diastolic Blood Pressure
d) Systolic Blood Pressure


37. Patient undergone spinal surgery, the should
a) Observe bowel movements
b) logroll the patient to prone position
c) Assess the patient feet for sensation circulation
d) Encourage the patient to drink plenty fluids


38. The priority nursing assessment in the first hours aller admission of the patient w
thrombotic Cerebro Vascular Accident(CVA
a) Pupil size and pupillary response
b) Cholesterol Level
c) ECG
d) Bowel Sounds in


39. The early indicator of hypoxia unconscious patient is
a) Cyanosis
b) Increased respiration
c) Ilypertension
d) Restlessness


40. Which of the following assessment is expect by the nurse for a patient with acute asuuna
a) Diffuse expiratory whecze
h) Loose productive cough
c) No relief from inhalant
d) Fever with chills


41. Which of the following is used as an antide for Organo Phosphorous poisoning
a) Atropine
b) Adrenaline
c) Avil
d) Amiodarone

42. ECG changes in myocardial infarction is
a) ST Segment cievation
b) Wide ORS complex
c) Presence of U wave
d) Prolonged PR interval


43. Which of the following condition is manifest by increased intra ocular pressure
a) Cataract
b) Conjunctivitis
c) Dacrocystitis
d) Glaucoma


44. Which of the following drug is to be with hold if the patient pulse in less than 60 per minute
a) Digoxin
b) Dopamine
c) Dobutamine
d) Phenytoin


45. A patient with Myocardial Infarction is receiving IV GTN which of the following
should be assessed frequently
a) Blood Pressure
b) Blood Glucose
c) Breuth sounds
d) Urine output


46. Which of the following action should . nurse take first when caring for a patient with cardiac arrest
u) initiate cardiac monitoring
b) Provide intravenous tecess
c) Establish and open airway
d) Oblain pulse oxymeter reading


47. Patient blood sugar is 40 mg/dl. Immediate management is to administer
3) 5% dextrose
b) 50% dextrose
c) 10 units of human insulin
d) Normal saline


48. While doing ECG V-2 electrode is placed in a
a) ** intercostal space just to the right of 3 sternum
b) 4th intercostal space just to the left of sternum
c) 5" intercostal space in mid clavicular region
d) 294 intercostal space just to the left of 5 sternum


49. Which one of the following nursing measure will be most appropriate in a patient with
a) Tilt the patient's head back
b) Place the patient's head between his legs
c) Pinch the nose and have the patient lean forward
d) Place warm compresses on the patient's nasal bridge


50. Bed sores can be best prevented by
a) Frequent change of position
b) Massage the reddend area
c) Use of hard almtress
d) Cleaning and dressing


51. While catheterising the bladder of a prcena lady, the following facts about female urethra
are true, EXCEPT
a) It is about 1.5 inches in length
b) It is posterior to vaginal orifice
c) It pierces through urogenital diaphragm
d) It is straight and offers minor resistance

52. The vitamin-A supplement administered in prevention of nutritional blindness in children
program contains
a) 25000 IU/ml
b) 2 lakh I/ml
c) 3 lakh Um!
) 5 Lakh IU/ml


53. Ortho Toulidinu test is used for detecting
a) Chlorine
bi Nitrites
c) Nitrales
d) Ammorua


54. Disposal Ul.expired and cytotoxic drugs is by
a) Separate landfill disposal
b) Municipal waste disposal
c) Autoclaving
d) Chemical Treatment


55,6 months pregnant woman came to hospital for consultation. Which of the following is
a) Tetanus l'oxoid
b) Potassium iodide 200 mg
c) Ferrous Sulphate 200 mg
d) Retinol 2 Lakh U


56. Primary Healthcare is
a) Health for all
b) Health for those who are in need
c) Health for an area of 30000 population
d) Ilealth for children attending primary school

57. Case finding in RNTCP is based on
a) Sputuri culture
b) Sputum microscopy
c) X-ray Chest
d) Montoux Test/PCR


58. SAFE strategy is recommended for control of
1) Trichoma
b) Glaucoma
c) Diabetic retinopathy
d) Cataract


59.JSY stands for
a) Janani Social Yojana
b) Jan Suchir Yojana
c) Janani Suraksha Yojana
d) Jan Sulabhsouchalay Yojana

60. In HIV, window period indicates a time period between
a) Infection and onset of first symptom
b) Infection and detection of antibodies against HIV
c) Infection and maximum multiplication of the organism
d) None of the above vaccines is

61. Which of the following contraindicated in pregnancy
a) Rubella
b) Diphtheria
C) Tetanus
d) Hepatitis

62. Frozen DPT vaccine should be
a) Shaken thoroughly before use
b) should be met before usc
c) Discarded
d) Brought to room temperature before use

63. MTP can be done upto
a) 12 weeks
b) 16 weeks
c) 20 weeks
d) 10 weeks


64. The most common cause of matemal mortality in India is
a) Obstetric hemorrhage
b) Anaemia
c) Abortion/Scpticaemia
d) Obstructed Labor


65. The vaccine administered as nose drops is
a) Rubella
b) Polio myelitis
c) Influenza
d) Measles


66. A 6 year old boy having no immunization
should be given
a) OPV + BCG Measles + DPT
b) OPV + BCG + Measles + DT
c) OPV + BCG + TT
d) BCG + TT


67. For treatment of Class Ill dog bite, all of these
are correct EXCEPT
a) Give immunoglobulin for passive immunity
b) Give an ARV
c) Immediately stitch the wound under
antibiotic coverage
d) Immediately wash the wound with soap and


68. A freshly prepared ORS solution should not be
used after
a) 4 hours
b) 6 hours
c) 12 hours
d) 24 hours


69. What is the colour coding of bag in hospitals
for disposal of Human Anatomical waste
a) Yellow
b) Black
c) Red
d) Blue

70. The best time for IUD insertion is between which days of menstrual cycle
a) Within 2 days
b) 3-7 days
c) 8-10 days
d) 11-14 days

71. During which stage of labor would the nurse assess Crowning
a) First stage
h) Second stage
c) Third stage
d) Fourth stage


72. Dark brown vaginal discharge and a negative pregnancy test is seen in which type of abortion
11) Threatened
b) Imininent
c) Missed
d) Incomplete


73. Which hormone is administered for stimulation of uterine contraction
a) Estrogen
b) Fetal Cortisol
c) Oxytocin
d) Progesterone


74. A women has given birth at 42 weeks of gestation. When assessing the neanate which
physical finding is expected
a) Sleepy lethargic baby
b) Lanuago covering body
c) Desyuamation of epidermis
d) Vemix Caseosa covering the body

75. A pregnant lady's LMP is on 5 July. Her EDD should be
a) 2 January
b) 28th March
c) 12 April
d) 12 October

76. On which of the following areas a nurse would expect Chlosseu
a) Breist. Areola, Nipple
b) Chest, Neck, Arms, Legs
c) Abdomen, Breast, Thighs
d) Cheeks, Forehead, Nose

77. Which finding might be seen in a neonate suspected of having an infection
a) Flushed cheeks
b) Increased temperature
c) Decreased temperature
d) Increased activity

78. When should the nurse transport a multipara patient from labor toom to delivery room
a) When cervical dilatationis Xem
b) When cervical dilatation is 10 cm
c) When cervical dilatation is 9 cm
d) When patient feels urge to push

79. The placenta should be delivered within how many minutes after the delivery of the baby
a) 5 minutes
b) 30 minutes
c) 45 minutes
d) 60 minutes

80. Greenish yellow colour of amniotic fluid indicates
a) Fetal distress
b) Rh incompatibility
c) Post maturity
d) IUD


81. Which of the following is used to take cervical sieur
a) Colposcope
b) Vaginoscope
$) Ayre's spatula
d) Forceps

82. According to WHO, when should the mother start breast feeding the infant after a normal
a) Within 1 hour of the birth
b) Within 12 hours of the birth
c) Within a day alter birth
d) After the infant's condition stabilizes


83. The first thing the nurse should ensure when the buby's head comes out is
a) The cord is intact
b) No part of the card is around the baby's neck
c) The cord is still attached to the placenta
d) The card is still pulsating


84. Post partum hemorrhape is loss of blood more
a) 200 ml
b) 300 ml
c) 400 ml
d) 500 ml

85. APGAR score is recorded at
1) I minute and 5 minutes after birth
h 5 minutes and 8 minutes after birth
c)2 minutes and 5 minutes after birth
d) 5 minutes and 10 minutes after birth

86. Physiological Jaundice in infants appears
a) At birth
b) Within first week of birth
c) In second week of birth
d) None of the above


87. Sunken fontanellc is a sign of
a) Dehydration
b) llydrocephalus
c) Down's syndrome
d) Turner's Syndrome


88. Immediate complication of low birth weight baby is
a) Intra uterine fetal death
b) l'erinatal Asphyxia
c) l'ulmonary hemorrhage
d) Sensorineural Injury


89. Bottle fed babies are more prone than breast fed babies to
a) Cough and Cold
b) Diarrhea
c) Impetigo
d) Tuberculosis


90. How long after administration of Tuberculosis Intradermal skin test the results should be evaluated
a) Immediately
b) Within 24 hours
c) Between 18 to 72 hours
d) After 5 days


91. Neonate of diabetic mother is at the risk of all the following EXCEPT
a) Hypoglycemia
b) Hypocalcemia
c) Hyperglycemia
d) Hyper biluruhinaemia


92. Diet for patient with Congestive Heart failure is
a) Onion, salt and garlic powder
b) Sea salt and pepper
c) Garlic, sodium and Nutmeg
d) (iinger and bay leaves


93. A patient on dialysis should avoid
a) Microwaved sweet potato
b) Fresh vegetables
c) Canned soups
d) Steamed broccoli


94. Fruits, Vegetables and cereals are potent sattrcc of
a) Anti-oxidants
b) Unsaturated fats
c) Saturated fats
d) Free radicals


95. Good source of vitamin D includes all EXCEPT
a) Blueberries
b) Sunlight
c) Sea-fishes
d) Dairy Products


96. Which of the following is the first sign dehydration
a) Tachycardia
b) Restlessness
c) Thirst and dark coloured urine
d) Poor skin turgor


97. Gustatory Hallucinations affects the
a) Nose
b) Taste buds
c) Ears
d) Skin


98. Common risk of sever depression is
a) Fatigability
b) Hallucination
c) Thought block
d) Suicide


99. Chandrayan-2 was launched on
a) 15 July, 2019
b) 10 July, 2019
c) 25 July, 2019
d) None of the above


100. Padman nume is associated with
a) Akshay Kumar
b) Arunachalam Murugan
c) Radhika Apte
d) Sonam Kapoor



thank you dear friends...
i hope  i am good help in your exam...



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