Biology msqs for neet and Bsc Nursing exam free pdf: Answer Bellow
1.Zoological gardens are sites of
(1) Ex situ conservation
(2) In situ conservation
(3) Both af above
(4) None of above
2. Who discoyered cell for the first time?
(1) Robert Browa
(2) Robert Hooke
(3) Antony Van Leenwenhoek
(4) Theodor Schwann
3. In which kingdom prokaryotic
organisms were placed by Whittaker7
(1) Animalia
(2) Plantae
(3) Monera
4) Protista
The largest and oldest botanical garden
of India is situated at:
(1) Lucknow
(2 Sibpyr
(3) Saharanpur
4) Darjeling
5. Muramic acid is' preşent in the cell
wall of the members of algal class :
(1) Cyanophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae
(3) Rhodophyceae
4) Xanthoptiyceae
6. Haplontic type of lifc cycle is present
(1) Ectocarpus (2) Fucus
(3) Polysiphonia (4) Spirogyra
7 The endosperm of gymnosperms is
(1) Triploid (2) Diploid
(3) Haploid 4) Polyploid
8. Characteristic feature of kingdom
fungi is
(1) It is a group of prokaryotic
(2) It is a group of cukaryotic
organisms with ingestive mode of
(3) It is a group of eukaryotic
organisms with absorptive mode
of nutrition
4) It is a group of enkaryotic
autotrophic organisms
9. Sexual reproduction in bryophytes is
(1) Isogamous
2) Oogamous
(3) Anisogamous
(4) Hologamous
10. The main plant body in pteridophytes is
(1) Gametophytic
(2) Sporophytic
(3) Both of above
4) None of above
11. Which among the following is not an
example of compound epithelial
tissue ?
(1) Stratified cuboidal tisşue
(2) Transitional tissue
(3) Pseudostratified tissue
(4) Stratified squamous tissue
12. pH of blood plasma is
(1) Slightly acidic
(2) Strongly acidic
(3) Slightly alkaline
(4) Neutral
13. Protein ossein is present in
(1) matrix of bone
(2) matrix of ligaments
(3) matrix of cartilage
4) matrix of tendon
14. Which one of the following pair of
fruit and edible part is not correctly
matched ?
(1) PomegranateJuicy testa
(2) Apple Fleshy thalamus
(3) Litchi Fleshy aril
(4) Coconut Mesocarp
15. Consider the following statement and
choose those which are TRUE using
the codes given below :
A. In amphicribral vascular bundles
xylem is surrounded by phloem
on all sides.
B. Cambium iş abşent in the open
type of vascular bundles,
C. In radial vascular bundles xylem
and phloem are present
separate radii.
D. In radial vascular bundies xylem
and phloem are not present on
separate radii.
(1) A, B and C (2) B,Cand D
(3) A andC (4) A and D
16. In root, calyptrogen is formed from:
(1) Plerome
(2) Periblem
(3) Dermatogen
(4) None of above
17. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Passage cells Endodermis
(2) Vascular Bundle Monocot
diarch to hexarch root
(3) Bicollateral Luffa
vascular bundle Cylindrica
4) Stem hair Multicellular
18. Stele includes
(1) Vascular bundles and pith
(2) Endodermis, pericycle and
vascular bundles
(3) Pericycle, vascular bundles and
(4) Cortex, endodermis, pericycle,
vascular bundle and pith
19. Which among the following is not a
characteristic of monocot stem '?
(1) Vascular bundles are scattered in
ground tissue.
(2) Bundle sheath present' around
vascular bundle.
(3) Vascular bundle collateral and
(4) Phloem parenchyma present in
vascular bundles .
20. The cork formed by the activity of
phellogen is also known as
(1) Bark
(2) Phellem
(3) Phelloderm
(4) None of above
21. Which among the following is not
an example of verticillaster
inflorescence ?
(1) Mentha
(2) Ocimum
(3) Coleus
(4) Euphorbia
22. Elongated internode of thalamus
between calyx and corolla is known as
(1) Androphore
(2) Anthophore
(3) Androgynophore
(4) Carpophore
23. Monadelphous stamens is
characteristic of
(1) Pisum
(2) Citrus
(3) Hibiscus
(4) Sonchus
24. Which among the following is nat an
example of schizpcarpic fruit ?
(1) Balausta
(2) Regma
(3) Cremocarp
(4) Lomentum
25. Who first time explained thạt cells are
formed from pre-existing cel]s ?
(1) Robert Brown
(2) Robert Hooke
3) Theodore Schwann
(4) Rudolf Virchow
26. Which among the following cell
organelles is not surrounded by.any
membrane ?
(1) Lysosome
(2) Ribosome
3) Plastid
(4) Endoplasmic reticulum
27. Which among the following is not an
example of prokaryotic cell?
(1) Bacteria
(2) Chlorella
(3) Mycoplasma
4) Nostog
28. Mesosomes are not associated with
(1) cell wall formation
(2) DNA replication
(3) respiration
(4) protein synthesis
29. Endoplasmic reticylum was first
observed by:
(1) Fleraming
(2) Benda
(3) Porter
(4) Claude
30. Which çell opganelle is not found in
plant cell?
(1 Chloroplast
(2) Centriole
(3) Smooth endoplasmic reticulym
4) Golgi apparatus
31. Which cell organelle is site of aerobic
(1) Chloroplast
(2) Ribosome
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Endoplasmic reticylum
32. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Potassium ion -Passive
(K) pump transport
(2) Fluid mosaic Singer and
model Nicolson
3 Movement of Osmosis
water across
4) Plant çell -Plasmodesmata
33. A mucleoside is made up of
(1) Phosphate group + Pentose sugar
(2 Pentose sugár + Nitrogenous base
(3) Nitrogenous base + Phosphate
(4) None of the above
34. In which phase of cell cycle
multiplication of mitochondria and
chloroplaşt take place ?
(1) G (2) S
(3) G 4) M
35. During which phase of mefosis does
crossing over take place:
(1) Zygotene (2) Leptotene
(3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene
36. Dehtal formula of adult huinan is:
(1) 2123
(3)12 2
2132 2123
37. In which part of alimentary canal
symbiotic micro-organisms are found ?
(1) Colon
(2) Ileum
(3) Caecum
(4) Rectum
38. The endocrine portion of pancreas
(1) Insulin and Pancreatic juice
(2) Glucagon and Pancreatic juice
3) Insulin and Glucagon
(4) Insulin, Glucagon and Pancreatic
39. Which cells of gastric gland secrete
Hydrochloric acid (HC) ?
(1) Mucus neck cells
(2) Chief cells
(3) Oxyntic cells
(4) Salivary cells
40. Respiratory rhythm centre is situated
in which portion of the brain ?
( Medulla region
(2) Cerebellum
3) Corpus Callosum
4) Cerebrum
41 Which pair is not corect ?
(1) Opening between right atrium and.
ight ventricle - Tricuspid valve
(2) Opening between left dtrium and
left ventriclé-Mitral valve
(3) Opening between right ventricle
and puilmonary artery-Semilunar
(4) Opening between left ventricle
and aortaBicuspid valve
42. Best measure of central tendency is:
(1) Mean
(2) Mode
(3) Median
(4) All of the above
43. Formula for cocfficient of standard
deviation is:
(1) 2)
44. Inflammation of joints due
accumulation of uric acid crystals is
known as
(1) Arnhritis
(2) Gout
(3) Muscular dystrophy
(4) Tetany
45. Which part of brain is associated with
regulation of sexual behaviour and
expression of emotional reactions?
(1) Cercbrum
(2) Corpòra quadrigemina
(3) Pons
4) Hypothalamus
46. In human eye the space between lens
and retina is called
(1) Aqueous chamber
(2) Vitreous chamber
3)Blind spot
(4) Macula lutea
47. Which among the following harmone
is synthesised by hypothalamus but
released by pituitary gland ?
(1) Oxytocin
(2) Prolactin
(3) Follicle stimulating hormone
4) Melanccyte stimulating hormone
48. Which among the following is not an
example of natural method of
vegetative propagation ?
(1) Vegetative propagation by
(2) Vegetative propagation by leaves
(3) Vegetative propagation by air
(4) Vegetative propagation by roots
49. A genetically identical population of
plants raised from single plant is
termed as:
(1) Clone (2) Hybrid
(3) Cybrid (4) All of above
50. Transfer of polengrains from the
anthers to the stigma of same flower is
termed as
(1) Xenogamy
(2) Heterogamy
(3) Geitonogamy
(4) Autogamy
51. How many true breeding varieties of
pea plants were selected by Mendel ?
(1) 7 4
(3) 14 4)8
52. The tem linkage was coined by
(0) Walter Sutton
(2) Theodore Boveri
(3) Henking
(4) Thomas Hunt Morgan
53. Down syndrome is due to
(1) Presence of an additional
(2) Absence of one of the
(3) Presence of an additional
chromosome number-21
4) None of the above
54. Which among the following disease is
caused by a protozoa ?
(1) Pneumonia
(2) Malaria
(3) Common cold
4) Typhoid
55. ELISA - a diagnostic test is used for
diagnosis of
(1) Cancer (2) Typhoid
(3) AIDS 4) Filariasis
56. Chilka lake located in Orissa is famous
(1) Crocodiles
(2 Tortoise
(3) Birds
(4) Dolphins
57.. Veliger larva is found in:
(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Arthropoda
(3) Mollusca
(4) Echinodermata
58, Example of phylum porifera is
(1) Obelia
(2) Fasciola
(3) Planaria
(4) Svcon
59. Locomotory organelles are absent in
the class
(1) Sporozoa
(2) Ciliata
(3) Rhizopoda
(4) Flagellate
60. Plant disease which develops đue to a
natural genetic engineer is:
(1) Citrus canker
(2) Witches Broom
(3) Crown gall
(4) Phylloidy
61. Pseudocoelom develops from
(1) Gut
(2) Mesoderm
(3) Blastocoel
4) Archenteron
62. The group of cold-blooded animals
having incomplete four-chambered
heart are:
(1) Amphibia
.(2) Aves
(3) Mammalia
4). Reptilia
63. The placentation in family Asteraceae
(1) Parietal
(2) Axil
(3) Basal
(4) Margina
64. Example of homogamous ligulate
capitulun inflorescence is:
(1) Helianthus
(2) Sonchus
(3) Ageratum
(4) Eclipta
65. Anthers of family Poaceae are
(1) Dithecous, dorsifixed and introrse
(2) Dithecous, basifixed and extrorse
(3) Dithecous, versatile and introrse
(4) Dithecous, adnate and introrse
66. Botanical namé of Lemon grass is
(1) Cymbopogon nardus
(2) Cymbopogon cltratus
(3) CvibopOgon martini
(4) Heteropogon contortls
67. Which among the following protozoa
is iot an example of endoparasitė 7
(1) Trichomonas tenax
(2) Plasmodium vivax
(3) Leishmania donovani
4) Hydramoeba hvdroxena
68. Pyrenoids are made of
(1) Core of starch surrounded by
sheath of protein
(2) Proteinaceous centre surrounded
by starchy sheath
(3) core of protein surrounded by
fatty sheath
(4) Core of nucleic acid surrounded
by protein
69. Bee-Venom is used in the treatmeat of
(1) Myopia
(2) Malaria
(3) Arthritis
4) Cholera
70. Pearls are obtained from
(1) Murex truncutus
(2) Pinctada vulgaris
(3) Brachystomia
(4) Mediolaria
71. Botanical name of common bread
wheat is
(1 Triticum turgidum
(2) Triticum aestivum
(3) Triticum monococCum
(4) All of the above
72. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Cotto Malvaceae
(2) Withania Solanaceae
(3) Coffiee Rubiaceae
(4) Tea Apocyanaceae
73. In gel electrophoresis, separated bands
of DNA are cut out from the agarose
gel and extracted from the gel piece.
This step is known as
(1) Bloting
(2) Elution
(3) Cloning
(4) Tagging
74. The cotton fibie is obtained from
which part of cotton plant ?
(1) Bud
(2) Stem
(3) Seed
(4) Flower
75. Tossa jute' is obtained from :
(1) Corchorus capsularis
(2) Corchorus olitoris
(3) Corchonus erodioides
4) None of above
76. Pungency of mustard oil is due to
(1) Enucic acid
(2) Ethyl thiocyartate
(3) Allyl isothiocyanate
(4) Lihoceric acid
77. Botanical name of groundnut is
(1) Sesamum indicum
(2) Ernca sativa
(3) Ricinus communis
(4) Atachis hypogea
78. Which country is known as "The Land
of Spices" 2?
(1) Thailand
(2) Japan
(3) India
(4) Germany
79. Which among the followings is not an
example of seed spices ?
(1) Fennel
(2) Clove
(3) Coriander
4) Cumin
80. The terminal buds of tea plant are
commonly known as
(1) Silver buds
(2) Platinum buds
(3) Diamond buds
(4) Golden buds
81. Which is an example of palindromic
mucleotide sequence ?
(4) TAGCGa
82. Polymerase chain reaction was
discovered by:
(1) J. Lederberg
(2) A.E. Jacob
(3) Cary Milis
(4) Barbara McClintoc
83. First transgenic is:
. cow
(1) Doly
(2) Poly
(3) Moly
(4) Rosie
84. Cell without cell wall is known as:
(1) Cytoplast
(2) Chromoplast
(3) Protoplast
4) Chloroplast
85. Technique of shoot tip culture was
developed by:
(1) Haberlandt
(2). White
(3) Sipra Guha Mukherjee and S.C.
4) Morel and Martin
86. The food chain which begins with the
death of an organism is known as
(1) Primary food chain
(2) Edaphic food chain
3) Detritus food chain
4) Grazing food chain
87. Who coined the term Ecosystem' ?
(1) Clemepts (2) Tansley
(3) Haeckel (4) Odumn
88. The following endocrine glands are
present in the human body
A. Adrenal gland
B. Pancreas
C. Pineal gland
D. Pituitary gland
E Thymus
Arange them in descending sequence
of their location i.e. from head to foot:
89. PANis
(1) Peroxyamy! nitrate
(2) Polyoxyamyl nitrate
(3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
(4) Polyoxyacetyl nitrate
90. Which is not a xerophytic adaptation?
(1) Presence of waxy coating on the
(2 Presence of aerenchyma
(3) Presence of CAM Physiology
4) Presence of chlorenchymatous
cells in the stem hypodermis
91. Hyaline cap of pseudopodium of
Amoeba is made up of :
(1) Ectoplasm
(2) Mesoplasm
(3) Endoplasm
4) All of the above
92. Obelian medusa is a
(1) Detritous feeder
(2) Omnivorous
(3) Canivorous
(4) Herbivorous
93. How many pairs of cranial nerves arise
from Rana's brain ?
(1) 8 (2) 10
(3) 12 (4) 16
94. Body cavity of Ascaris is:
(1) Coelenteron
(2) Pseudocoel
(3) Enterocoel
(4) Haemocoel
95. Rana tigrina belongs to the order:
(1) Urodela
(2) Lepospondyle
(3) Anura
(4) Apoda
96. The burrow of rabbit is called
(1) Barrel (2) Warren
(3) Barren 4) Formn
97. Which type of placenta is found in
apes ?
(1) Allantoic
(2) Allantochorionic
(3) Yolk sac
4) Chorionic
98. Select correct pair
(1) Sertoli cells -Testosterone
(2) Prostate gland - Testosterone
(3) Corpus luteum Progestrone
(4) None of above
99. In chick the embryonic respiratory
organ is
(1) Amnion
2) Allantois
3) Chorion
(4) Yolk sac
100. In the zygote of frog first cleavage is
(1) Meroblastic
(2) Horizontal
(3) Holoblastic equal
(4) Holoblastic unequal
101. Which hormone is responsible for
regulation of growth and development
of an organism ?
(1) Thyroxin
(2) Somatotropin
(3) Progesterone
(4) Estrogen
102. Hormone responsible for lactation is
() Relaxin
(2) Oxytocin
(3) Oestrogen
(4) Prolactin
103. Fungi used in maturation of cheese is
(1) Mucor
(2) Penicillium
(3) Aspersills
4) Agaricus
104. "The project tiger" was initiatedin
(1) 1973
(2) 1972
(3) 1975
(4) 1974
105. A piece of wood swelis when it placed
in water because of
(1) Diffusion
(2 Osmosis
(3) Imbibition
(4) Guttation
106. Stomata resticted to lower surface of
the leaf are térmed as :
(1) Potato type
(2) Oat type
3) Water lily type
(4) Mulberry type
107. The site of Kreb cycle in the céll is:
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Mitochondria
4) Bndoplasmic reticulam
108. The site of dark reaction of
photosynthesis is :
(1) Grana
(2) Stroma
(3) Mitochondria
4). F particle
109. Who among the following is known as
father of plant physiology?
(1) Josef Priestley
(2) Stephen Hales
(3) Robert Hill
(4) P. Blackman
110. Which among the followings is not an
example of induced nastic movement ?
(1) Epinasty
(2) Photonasty
(3) Thermonasty
(4) Seismonasty
111. Globally threatened bird species is
(1) Peacock
(2) Great Indian Bustard
(3) Jungle Crow
(4) Patcidge
112. The 20 session of the Conference of
Parties (CoP-20) in December 2014
was held at
(1) Warsaw, Poland
(2) Hyderabad, India
3) Cape Town, South Africa
4) Lima, Peru
113. Which type of graphical representation
of data is commonly used for
percentage distribution7
(1) Line charts
(2) Pic charts
(3) Histograms
(4) Polygons
114, Electron microscope was invented by
(1) H. Rohrer
(2) G. Binning
(3) Antony von Leeuwenhoek
(4) Max Knoll and Enst Ruska
115. Visualization of DNA fragments is
done after staining DNA with
(1) Ethidium bromide only
(2) Ethidium bromide followed by
white light exposure
(3) Ethidium bromide followed by
UV ight exposure
(4) Ethidium fluoride followed by
UV light exposure
116. During centrifugation which cell
organelle will sediment at lower
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Nuclei
(3) Golgi complex
(4) Ribosome
117. Sephadex gel is commonly used in
(1) Adsorpion chromatography
(2) Ion exchange chromatography
(3) Gel filtration chromatography
(4) Affinity chromatography
118. In SDS dodecyl
- PAGE, sodium
sulphate provides an overall
charge to the protein.
(1) Positive
(2) Negative
(3) Neutral
(4) None of the above
119. Who among the following is not an
ethnologist ?
(1) K. Lorenz
(2) Karl Emst von Baer
(3) Karl von Frisch
(4) Niko Tinbergen
120. Which among the following sites is.
listed in UNESCO World Heritage
sites ?
(1)' Keoladeo National Park
(2) Ranthambhore National Park
(3) Madhav National Park
(4) Desert National Park
1.Zoological gardens are sites of
(1) Ex situ conservation
(2) In situ conservation
(3) Both af above
(4) None of above
2. Who discoyered cell for the first time?
(1) Robert Browa
(2) Robert Hooke
(3) Antony Van Leenwenhoek
(4) Theodor Schwann
3. In which kingdom prokaryotic
organisms were placed by Whittaker7
(1) Animalia
(2) Plantae
(3) Monera
4) Protista
The largest and oldest botanical garden
of India is situated at:
(1) Lucknow
(2 Sibpyr
(3) Saharanpur
4) Darjeling
5. Muramic acid is' preşent in the cell
wall of the members of algal class :
(1) Cyanophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae
(3) Rhodophyceae
4) Xanthoptiyceae
6. Haplontic type of lifc cycle is present
(1) Ectocarpus (2) Fucus
(3) Polysiphonia (4) Spirogyra
7 The endosperm of gymnosperms is
(1) Triploid (2) Diploid
(3) Haploid 4) Polyploid
8. Characteristic feature of kingdom
fungi is
(1) It is a group of prokaryotic
(2) It is a group of cukaryotic
organisms with ingestive mode of
(3) It is a group of eukaryotic
organisms with absorptive mode
of nutrition
4) It is a group of enkaryotic
autotrophic organisms
9. Sexual reproduction in bryophytes is
(1) Isogamous
2) Oogamous
(3) Anisogamous
(4) Hologamous
10. The main plant body in pteridophytes is
(1) Gametophytic
(2) Sporophytic
(3) Both of above
4) None of above
11. Which among the following is not an
example of compound epithelial
tissue ?
(1) Stratified cuboidal tisşue
(2) Transitional tissue
(3) Pseudostratified tissue
(4) Stratified squamous tissue
12. pH of blood plasma is
(1) Slightly acidic
(2) Strongly acidic
(3) Slightly alkaline
(4) Neutral
13. Protein ossein is present in
(1) matrix of bone
(2) matrix of ligaments
(3) matrix of cartilage
4) matrix of tendon
14. Which one of the following pair of
fruit and edible part is not correctly
matched ?
(1) PomegranateJuicy testa
(2) Apple Fleshy thalamus
(3) Litchi Fleshy aril
(4) Coconut Mesocarp
15. Consider the following statement and
choose those which are TRUE using
the codes given below :
A. In amphicribral vascular bundles
xylem is surrounded by phloem
on all sides.
B. Cambium iş abşent in the open
type of vascular bundles,
C. In radial vascular bundles xylem
and phloem are present
separate radii.
D. In radial vascular bundies xylem
and phloem are not present on
separate radii.
(1) A, B and C (2) B,Cand D
(3) A andC (4) A and D
16. In root, calyptrogen is formed from:
(1) Plerome
(2) Periblem
(3) Dermatogen
(4) None of above
17. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Passage cells Endodermis
(2) Vascular Bundle Monocot
diarch to hexarch root
(3) Bicollateral Luffa
vascular bundle Cylindrica
4) Stem hair Multicellular
18. Stele includes
(1) Vascular bundles and pith
(2) Endodermis, pericycle and
vascular bundles
(3) Pericycle, vascular bundles and
(4) Cortex, endodermis, pericycle,
vascular bundle and pith
19. Which among the following is not a
characteristic of monocot stem '?
(1) Vascular bundles are scattered in
ground tissue.
(2) Bundle sheath present' around
vascular bundle.
(3) Vascular bundle collateral and
(4) Phloem parenchyma present in
vascular bundles .
20. The cork formed by the activity of
phellogen is also known as
(1) Bark
(2) Phellem
(3) Phelloderm
(4) None of above
21. Which among the following is not
an example of verticillaster
inflorescence ?
(1) Mentha
(2) Ocimum
(3) Coleus
(4) Euphorbia
22. Elongated internode of thalamus
between calyx and corolla is known as
(1) Androphore
(2) Anthophore
(3) Androgynophore
(4) Carpophore
23. Monadelphous stamens is
characteristic of
(1) Pisum
(2) Citrus
(3) Hibiscus
(4) Sonchus
24. Which among the following is nat an
example of schizpcarpic fruit ?
(1) Balausta
(2) Regma
(3) Cremocarp
(4) Lomentum
25. Who first time explained thạt cells are
formed from pre-existing cel]s ?
(1) Robert Brown
(2) Robert Hooke
3) Theodore Schwann
(4) Rudolf Virchow
26. Which among the following cell
organelles is not surrounded by.any
membrane ?
(1) Lysosome
(2) Ribosome
3) Plastid
(4) Endoplasmic reticulum
27. Which among the following is not an
example of prokaryotic cell?
(1) Bacteria
(2) Chlorella
(3) Mycoplasma
4) Nostog
28. Mesosomes are not associated with
(1) cell wall formation
(2) DNA replication
(3) respiration
(4) protein synthesis
29. Endoplasmic reticylum was first
observed by:
(1) Fleraming
(2) Benda
(3) Porter
(4) Claude
30. Which çell opganelle is not found in
plant cell?
(1 Chloroplast
(2) Centriole
(3) Smooth endoplasmic reticulym
4) Golgi apparatus
31. Which cell organelle is site of aerobic
(1) Chloroplast
(2) Ribosome
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Endoplasmic reticylum
32. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Potassium ion -Passive
(K) pump transport
(2) Fluid mosaic Singer and
model Nicolson
3 Movement of Osmosis
water across
4) Plant çell -Plasmodesmata
33. A mucleoside is made up of
(1) Phosphate group + Pentose sugar
(2 Pentose sugár + Nitrogenous base
(3) Nitrogenous base + Phosphate
(4) None of the above
34. In which phase of cell cycle
multiplication of mitochondria and
chloroplaşt take place ?
(1) G (2) S
(3) G 4) M
35. During which phase of mefosis does
crossing over take place:
(1) Zygotene (2) Leptotene
(3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene
36. Dehtal formula of adult huinan is:
(1) 2123
(3)12 2
2132 2123
37. In which part of alimentary canal
symbiotic micro-organisms are found ?
(1) Colon
(2) Ileum
(3) Caecum
(4) Rectum
38. The endocrine portion of pancreas
(1) Insulin and Pancreatic juice
(2) Glucagon and Pancreatic juice
3) Insulin and Glucagon
(4) Insulin, Glucagon and Pancreatic
39. Which cells of gastric gland secrete
Hydrochloric acid (HC) ?
(1) Mucus neck cells
(2) Chief cells
(3) Oxyntic cells
(4) Salivary cells
40. Respiratory rhythm centre is situated
in which portion of the brain ?
( Medulla region
(2) Cerebellum
3) Corpus Callosum
4) Cerebrum
41 Which pair is not corect ?
(1) Opening between right atrium and.
ight ventricle - Tricuspid valve
(2) Opening between left dtrium and
left ventriclé-Mitral valve
(3) Opening between right ventricle
and puilmonary artery-Semilunar
(4) Opening between left ventricle
and aortaBicuspid valve
42. Best measure of central tendency is:
(1) Mean
(2) Mode
(3) Median
(4) All of the above
43. Formula for cocfficient of standard
deviation is:
(1) 2)
44. Inflammation of joints due
accumulation of uric acid crystals is
known as
(1) Arnhritis
(2) Gout
(3) Muscular dystrophy
(4) Tetany
45. Which part of brain is associated with
regulation of sexual behaviour and
expression of emotional reactions?
(1) Cercbrum
(2) Corpòra quadrigemina
(3) Pons
4) Hypothalamus
46. In human eye the space between lens
and retina is called
(1) Aqueous chamber
(2) Vitreous chamber
3)Blind spot
(4) Macula lutea
47. Which among the following harmone
is synthesised by hypothalamus but
released by pituitary gland ?
(1) Oxytocin
(2) Prolactin
(3) Follicle stimulating hormone
4) Melanccyte stimulating hormone
48. Which among the following is not an
example of natural method of
vegetative propagation ?
(1) Vegetative propagation by
(2) Vegetative propagation by leaves
(3) Vegetative propagation by air
(4) Vegetative propagation by roots
49. A genetically identical population of
plants raised from single plant is
termed as:
(1) Clone (2) Hybrid
(3) Cybrid (4) All of above
50. Transfer of polengrains from the
anthers to the stigma of same flower is
termed as
(1) Xenogamy
(2) Heterogamy
(3) Geitonogamy
(4) Autogamy
51. How many true breeding varieties of
pea plants were selected by Mendel ?
(1) 7 4
(3) 14 4)8
52. The tem linkage was coined by
(0) Walter Sutton
(2) Theodore Boveri
(3) Henking
(4) Thomas Hunt Morgan
53. Down syndrome is due to
(1) Presence of an additional
(2) Absence of one of the
(3) Presence of an additional
chromosome number-21
4) None of the above
54. Which among the following disease is
caused by a protozoa ?
(1) Pneumonia
(2) Malaria
(3) Common cold
4) Typhoid
55. ELISA - a diagnostic test is used for
diagnosis of
(1) Cancer (2) Typhoid
(3) AIDS 4) Filariasis
56. Chilka lake located in Orissa is famous
(1) Crocodiles
(2 Tortoise
(3) Birds
(4) Dolphins
57.. Veliger larva is found in:
(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Arthropoda
(3) Mollusca
(4) Echinodermata
58, Example of phylum porifera is
(1) Obelia
(2) Fasciola
(3) Planaria
(4) Svcon
59. Locomotory organelles are absent in
the class
(1) Sporozoa
(2) Ciliata
(3) Rhizopoda
(4) Flagellate
60. Plant disease which develops đue to a
natural genetic engineer is:
(1) Citrus canker
(2) Witches Broom
(3) Crown gall
(4) Phylloidy
61. Pseudocoelom develops from
(1) Gut
(2) Mesoderm
(3) Blastocoel
4) Archenteron
62. The group of cold-blooded animals
having incomplete four-chambered
heart are:
(1) Amphibia
.(2) Aves
(3) Mammalia
4). Reptilia
63. The placentation in family Asteraceae
(1) Parietal
(2) Axil
(3) Basal
(4) Margina
64. Example of homogamous ligulate
capitulun inflorescence is:
(1) Helianthus
(2) Sonchus
(3) Ageratum
(4) Eclipta
65. Anthers of family Poaceae are
(1) Dithecous, dorsifixed and introrse
(2) Dithecous, basifixed and extrorse
(3) Dithecous, versatile and introrse
(4) Dithecous, adnate and introrse
66. Botanical namé of Lemon grass is
(1) Cymbopogon nardus
(2) Cymbopogon cltratus
(3) CvibopOgon martini
(4) Heteropogon contortls
67. Which among the following protozoa
is iot an example of endoparasitė 7
(1) Trichomonas tenax
(2) Plasmodium vivax
(3) Leishmania donovani
4) Hydramoeba hvdroxena
68. Pyrenoids are made of
(1) Core of starch surrounded by
sheath of protein
(2) Proteinaceous centre surrounded
by starchy sheath
(3) core of protein surrounded by
fatty sheath
(4) Core of nucleic acid surrounded
by protein
69. Bee-Venom is used in the treatmeat of
(1) Myopia
(2) Malaria
(3) Arthritis
4) Cholera
70. Pearls are obtained from
(1) Murex truncutus
(2) Pinctada vulgaris
(3) Brachystomia
(4) Mediolaria
71. Botanical name of common bread
wheat is
(1 Triticum turgidum
(2) Triticum aestivum
(3) Triticum monococCum
(4) All of the above
72. Which pair is not correct ?
(1) Cotto Malvaceae
(2) Withania Solanaceae
(3) Coffiee Rubiaceae
(4) Tea Apocyanaceae
73. In gel electrophoresis, separated bands
of DNA are cut out from the agarose
gel and extracted from the gel piece.
This step is known as
(1) Bloting
(2) Elution
(3) Cloning
(4) Tagging
74. The cotton fibie is obtained from
which part of cotton plant ?
(1) Bud
(2) Stem
(3) Seed
(4) Flower
75. Tossa jute' is obtained from :
(1) Corchorus capsularis
(2) Corchorus olitoris
(3) Corchonus erodioides
4) None of above
76. Pungency of mustard oil is due to
(1) Enucic acid
(2) Ethyl thiocyartate
(3) Allyl isothiocyanate
(4) Lihoceric acid
77. Botanical name of groundnut is
(1) Sesamum indicum
(2) Ernca sativa
(3) Ricinus communis
(4) Atachis hypogea
78. Which country is known as "The Land
of Spices" 2?
(1) Thailand
(2) Japan
(3) India
(4) Germany
79. Which among the followings is not an
example of seed spices ?
(1) Fennel
(2) Clove
(3) Coriander
4) Cumin
80. The terminal buds of tea plant are
commonly known as
(1) Silver buds
(2) Platinum buds
(3) Diamond buds
(4) Golden buds
81. Which is an example of palindromic
mucleotide sequence ?
(4) TAGCGa
82. Polymerase chain reaction was
discovered by:
(1) J. Lederberg
(2) A.E. Jacob
(3) Cary Milis
(4) Barbara McClintoc
83. First transgenic is:
. cow
(1) Doly
(2) Poly
(3) Moly
(4) Rosie
84. Cell without cell wall is known as:
(1) Cytoplast
(2) Chromoplast
(3) Protoplast
4) Chloroplast
85. Technique of shoot tip culture was
developed by:
(1) Haberlandt
(2). White
(3) Sipra Guha Mukherjee and S.C.
4) Morel and Martin
86. The food chain which begins with the
death of an organism is known as
(1) Primary food chain
(2) Edaphic food chain
3) Detritus food chain
4) Grazing food chain
87. Who coined the term Ecosystem' ?
(1) Clemepts (2) Tansley
(3) Haeckel (4) Odumn
88. The following endocrine glands are
present in the human body
A. Adrenal gland
B. Pancreas
C. Pineal gland
D. Pituitary gland
E Thymus
Arange them in descending sequence
of their location i.e. from head to foot:
89. PANis
(1) Peroxyamy! nitrate
(2) Polyoxyamyl nitrate
(3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
(4) Polyoxyacetyl nitrate
90. Which is not a xerophytic adaptation?
(1) Presence of waxy coating on the
(2 Presence of aerenchyma
(3) Presence of CAM Physiology
4) Presence of chlorenchymatous
cells in the stem hypodermis
91. Hyaline cap of pseudopodium of
Amoeba is made up of :
(1) Ectoplasm
(2) Mesoplasm
(3) Endoplasm
4) All of the above
92. Obelian medusa is a
(1) Detritous feeder
(2) Omnivorous
(3) Canivorous
(4) Herbivorous
93. How many pairs of cranial nerves arise
from Rana's brain ?
(1) 8 (2) 10
(3) 12 (4) 16
94. Body cavity of Ascaris is:
(1) Coelenteron
(2) Pseudocoel
(3) Enterocoel
(4) Haemocoel
95. Rana tigrina belongs to the order:
(1) Urodela
(2) Lepospondyle
(3) Anura
(4) Apoda
96. The burrow of rabbit is called
(1) Barrel (2) Warren
(3) Barren 4) Formn
97. Which type of placenta is found in
apes ?
(1) Allantoic
(2) Allantochorionic
(3) Yolk sac
4) Chorionic
98. Select correct pair
(1) Sertoli cells -Testosterone
(2) Prostate gland - Testosterone
(3) Corpus luteum Progestrone
(4) None of above
99. In chick the embryonic respiratory
organ is
(1) Amnion
2) Allantois
3) Chorion
(4) Yolk sac
100. In the zygote of frog first cleavage is
(1) Meroblastic
(2) Horizontal
(3) Holoblastic equal
(4) Holoblastic unequal
101. Which hormone is responsible for
regulation of growth and development
of an organism ?
(1) Thyroxin
(2) Somatotropin
(3) Progesterone
(4) Estrogen
102. Hormone responsible for lactation is
() Relaxin
(2) Oxytocin
(3) Oestrogen
(4) Prolactin
103. Fungi used in maturation of cheese is
(1) Mucor
(2) Penicillium
(3) Aspersills
4) Agaricus
104. "The project tiger" was initiatedin
(1) 1973
(2) 1972
(3) 1975
(4) 1974
105. A piece of wood swelis when it placed
in water because of
(1) Diffusion
(2 Osmosis
(3) Imbibition
(4) Guttation
106. Stomata resticted to lower surface of
the leaf are térmed as :
(1) Potato type
(2) Oat type
3) Water lily type
(4) Mulberry type
107. The site of Kreb cycle in the céll is:
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Chloroplast
(3) Mitochondria
4) Bndoplasmic reticulam
108. The site of dark reaction of
photosynthesis is :
(1) Grana
(2) Stroma
(3) Mitochondria
4). F particle
109. Who among the following is known as
father of plant physiology?
(1) Josef Priestley
(2) Stephen Hales
(3) Robert Hill
(4) P. Blackman
110. Which among the followings is not an
example of induced nastic movement ?
(1) Epinasty
(2) Photonasty
(3) Thermonasty
(4) Seismonasty
111. Globally threatened bird species is
(1) Peacock
(2) Great Indian Bustard
(3) Jungle Crow
(4) Patcidge
112. The 20 session of the Conference of
Parties (CoP-20) in December 2014
was held at
(1) Warsaw, Poland
(2) Hyderabad, India
3) Cape Town, South Africa
4) Lima, Peru
113. Which type of graphical representation
of data is commonly used for
percentage distribution7
(1) Line charts
(2) Pic charts
(3) Histograms
(4) Polygons
114, Electron microscope was invented by
(1) H. Rohrer
(2) G. Binning
(3) Antony von Leeuwenhoek
(4) Max Knoll and Enst Ruska
115. Visualization of DNA fragments is
done after staining DNA with
(1) Ethidium bromide only
(2) Ethidium bromide followed by
white light exposure
(3) Ethidium bromide followed by
UV ight exposure
(4) Ethidium fluoride followed by
UV light exposure
116. During centrifugation which cell
organelle will sediment at lower
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Nuclei
(3) Golgi complex
(4) Ribosome
117. Sephadex gel is commonly used in
(1) Adsorpion chromatography
(2) Ion exchange chromatography
(3) Gel filtration chromatography
(4) Affinity chromatography
118. In SDS dodecyl
- PAGE, sodium
sulphate provides an overall
charge to the protein.
(1) Positive
(2) Negative
(3) Neutral
(4) None of the above
119. Who among the following is not an
ethnologist ?
(1) K. Lorenz
(2) Karl Emst von Baer
(3) Karl von Frisch
(4) Niko Tinbergen
120. Which among the following sites is.
listed in UNESCO World Heritage
sites ?
(1)' Keoladeo National Park
(2) Ranthambhore National Park
(3) Madhav National Park
(4) Desert National Park
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