1. Which is an
a. Mycoplasma
b. b.
c. c. Fungus
d. d.
2. The colour of Gram
positive bacteria in Gram stain is ….
a. Pink
b. Purple
c. Black
d. Colourless
3. Normal value of
Thrombin Time (TT) is....
a. 30- 40 seconds
b. 11- 15
c. 200-400 mg/dL
d. 200- 400 seconds
4. The viruses can be
grown in laboratory in .........
a. Blood agar
b. Chocolate agar
c. Nutrient broth containing serum
d. Living
5. The selective medium
for Vibrio cholerae is …..
a. MacConkey agar
b.Mannitol salt agar
c. Cetrimide agar
d. Thiosulfate
citrate bile salt sucrose agar
6. The bacterial cell multiplication is
usually by….
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Conjugation
d. Binary
7. Christmas factor
b. VII
c. IX
8. Tourniquet test is
positive in ..........
a. Multiple myeloma
b. Polycythemia
c. Hemophilia
, 8.d
9. Glass vessels and glass
syringes are best sterilised by......
a. Hot air oven
b. Autoclaving
c. Irradiation
d. Ethylene dioxide.
, 9.a
10. The media used for
culture of Myobacterium tuberculosis is.....
a. Lowenstein-Jensen medium
b. Ogawa medium
c. Dorsett’s egg medium
d. All of the above
, 10. d
11. Cidex is……….
a. 2% gluteraldehyde
b. 2% iodine
c. 2% sodium hypochlorite
d. None of the above
, 11.a
12. How many nuclei are
there in cyst of Giardia lamblia?
a. One
c. Four
d. Eight
12.c ,
13. The best skin
antiseptic is…….
a. Methanol
b. 100% ethanol
c. Tincture iodine
d. Phenol
14. The bacteria showing
beta-hemolysis on blood agar is….
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Streptococcus pyogenes
c. Streptococcus agalactie
d. All of the above
a. Mesophillic
b. Thermophillic
c. Halophillic
d. Capnophillic
16. Facultative anaerobic
bacteria grow....
a. Only in abasence of oxygen
b. Only in presence of oxygen
c. In absence or presence of oxygen
d. Non of the above
16.c ,
17. CA 15.3 tumor marker
is done for....
a. Colon cancer
b. Ovar cancer
c. Lung cancer
c. Breast cancer
17.d ,
18. Ideal thickness of
coverslip commonly used for counting chamber is ......
a. 0.4 mm
b. 0.3 mm
c. 0.2 mm
d. 0.1 mm
19. Platelet count should
be preferably done within.....
a. 30 min
b. 1 hour
c. 2 hours
d. 3 hours
19.a ,
20. ''Arneth'' count
related to......
a. WBC count
b. RBC count
c. Platelet count
d. Eosinophil count
21. Wright stain is a.........
\a. Acidic stain
b. Basic stain
c. Neutral stain
d. Supravital stain
22. .......... is the better to collect the
blood sample for Microfilaria.
a. Before having any food
b. At any time
c. In the morning
d. At mid night
22.d ,
23. Function of platelets
is .........
a. Supply the nutrition
b. Stop the bleeding
c. Supply the oxygen
d. Defense
23.b ,
24. Bleeding from nose is
called ......
a. Melena
b. Haemoptysis
c. Epistaxis
d. Haematemesis
25. The PH of Drabkin's
solution is .........
a. 4 to 5.4
b. 7 to 7.4
c. 7.4 to 8.0
d. 8.0 to 8.5
25.b ,
26. Indirect coomb’s test
can perform by....
a. 1 tube procedure
b. 2tube procedure
c. 3 tube procedure
d. Both a and b
27. The anticoagulant
Heparin derives its name from the organ.......
a. Kidney
b. Heart
c. liver
d. Lungs
28. When was ABO group
a. 1940
b. 1900
c. 1856
29. FFP can be preserved
utilized till…
a. 35 days
b. 6 hours
c. 12 hours
d. 1 years
30. Father of blood
circulation is .....
a. William Harvey
b. Karl landsteiner
c. Dr. Cohn d. Joseph Lister
31. Storage of blood bag
below 2-8 °C (freezing) causes......
a. Increases WBC counts
b. Increases RBC counts
c. Increases Platelets
d. Hemolysis occurs
32. Normality is expressed
a. Grams/litre
b. GM equivalents/litre
c. Moles/100 gm
d. Grams/litre
32. b
33. What is the function
of ATP?
a. Message carrier
b. Store and transport energy
c. Make proteins
d. Breakdown sugars
33.b ,
34. Fluoride inhibite the
........ enzyme in glycolysis.
a. Enolase
b. Cis aconitate
c. Succinate thiokinase
d. Aldolase
34.a ,
35. Bilirubin is not
excreted in urine in ....
a. Obstructive jaundice
b. Hepatic jaundice
c. Hemolytic jaundice
d. All three
35.c ,
36. Maltose on hydrolysis
a. Glucose + Galactose
b. Glucose + Sucrose
c. Glucose + Glucose
d. Glucose + Fructose
37. Which is best stain
for reticulocyte count....
a. Alcian blue
b. Brilliant cressal blue
c. Toludine blue
d. New methylene blue
38. Inulin is....
a. Lipid
b. Protein
c. Carbohydrate
d. Vitamin
39. The Beta oxiadtion of
palmetic acid provides... ATP
a. 8
b. 38
c. 129
d. 146
39.a ,
40. Sideroblastic anaemia
is commonly........
a. Macrocytic
b. Microcytic
c. Normocytic
d. Spherocytic
41. A person can donate
blood in ......
a. Every 2 months
b. Every 3 months
c. Every 4 months
d. Half yearly
42. The culture media commonly used for fungus
culture is....
a. Bood agar
b. MacConkey agar
c. Saubroud dextrose agar
d. Chocolate agar
43. Semen analysis is
indicated to detect .........
a. Sterlity
b. Fertility
c. Impotence
d. Deformity
43.b ,
44. Earliest marker for
cardiac profile test..
a. LDH
b. Troponin T hs
c. AST
d. CK MB
45. All are gram positive
bacilli except……
a. Escherichia coli
b. Bacillus species
c. Clostridium species
d. Listeria monocytogenes
46. All of the followings
are enriched medium except .......
a. MacConkey agar
b. Blood agar
c. Chocolate agar
d. Loeffler serum slope
47. The bacteria which is motile without of
flagella is…..
a. Escherichia coli
b. Salmonella Typhi
c. Proteus vulgaris
d. Treponema pallidum
48. Ionizing radiation can
be used for sterilization of:
a. Plastic syringe b. Gloves
c. Cathters d. all of the above
49. The important source
of nutrition for bacteria to
a. Agar
b. Electrolytes
c. Inorganic salts
d. Peptones
50. Benedict's test is
used to detect ....... in urine
a. Glucose
b. Albumin
c. Acetone
d. Protein
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11.Railway exam Question paper
11.Railway exam Question paper